Privacy Policy

By using Progress, you acknowledge and consent to our privacy practices. If we update this policy, you’ll be able to see it here.
This section explains how Progress app handles your photographs from upload to deletion, highlighting our commitment to your privacy.

Photo Upload and Processing

When you use Progress app, your photo is securely uploaded to a server in order to create the smooth interpolations with an AI. The photos are available through a unique URL that’s designed to be unguessable through a very long alphanumeric string. This means that while the URL is publicly accessible, the complexity and length of it make unauthorized access extremely improbable.

Health Data

Progress may ask you for permission to read data from HealthKit. This data is used only for your own convenience, so you don't have to manually type weight and fat percentage information. We do not have access to this data ourselves and therefore don't share it or use it in any other way.

Storage and Deletion

Understanding the sensitive nature of your progress photos, we regularly purge the server for photos that are older than a few weeks. This timeframe is provided to ensure you have ample opportunity to download and save your images.

Privacy and Confidentiality

The Progress app team is deeply committed to respecting the privacy of your progress photos. We recognize these images are personal and sensitive. Therefore, we strictly adhere to a policy of non-disclosure: we do not view, share, or access your photos without obtaining your explicit, written consent beforehand.


You can read the privacy policy of our partners in these links:

Your Consent

By using the Progress app, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. We are dedicated to transparency and are here to answer any questions or concerns about your privacy and the security of your personal information. If we update this policy, you’ll be able to see it here.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything in this document, feel free to contact us by emailing